Friday, March 26, 2010

Parkhotel in Zug

"The Parkhotel in Zug planned to erect a temporary ancillary hotel building on a public site that in 12 to 15 years time will be used as the services area for a road building project. Despite the limited life- span this hotel was to meet the requirements of a four-star facility and to have an unmistakeable character. We developed this project from the serial character of hotel buildings. The standard layout of bedrooms next to each other is transformed into an expressive building volume by swivelling the module...
The Parkhotel in Zug planned to erect a temporary ancillary hotel building on a public site that in 12 to 15 years time will be used as the services area for a road building project. Despite the limited life- span this hotel was to meet the requirements of a four-star facility and to have an unmistakeable character. We developed this project from the serial character of hotel buildings. The standard layout of bedrooms next to each other is transformed into an expressive building volume by swivelling the module..."
passage & images from archidaily



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