Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Can the experience of art be enhanced through architecture?

White walls + Isolated Rooms = Good museum? Our design of the Serlauchius Museum extension seeks to deviate from that mantra by developing an architecture that directly facilitates human interaction with art. It is our firm belief that the experience of art can be enhanced through innovative architecture and new spatial experiences.The design of the Maison Promino seeks to achieve two main goals: to create an inspiring piece of architecture that will enhance the image of Serlachius Art Musuem globally and to provide a truly unique museum experience by connecting visitors with the art like never before...


Retaining the concept of the art museum as a seamless space for visitors, the design contains as minimal obstructions as possible. This is achieved by connecting the various different functions of the museum through the use of an innovative structural system. Instead of utilizing a typical grid of columns, the structure is moved into the façade of the building in order to achieve an atmosphere of total continuity. "
images & passage via Bustler



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