Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Here's the fascinating entry "Slow Up-rising" by Canadian firm Ja Studio to Solar Park South, the international ideas competition in Calabria, Italy. The competition brief called for a 'Solar Highway' by re-using Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway sections between Scilla and Bagnara to be decommissioned by the Italian Highways Authority...
The project emerges at the critical time when the demise of one of these giants appears on the horizon. A highway is about to be decommissioned as a new highway would create an even faster connection in its place. Our proposal is a gentle ramping platform that connects the top of the by-passing highway to the bottom of the valley. This connecting platform through time would allow a new form of life to appear. The mono-functional body that once cast shadow on its immediate surroundings would start to get populated with life and through time would turn into a unique mix of habitat and infrastructure. The gradual re-appearance of the small would both safeguard the extra-large and also introduces new possibilities for the co-existence of the two..." to find out more...
images & passage from Bustler



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